A-Hoy Hoy!

Welcome to my blog... the home of Annelise Woodward Photography! It is here that you will see a glimpse into my life as an ever ambitious, adventurous, and crazy photographer!
My name is Annelise Woodward (pause for effect) and I'm the lead photographer and owner of Annelise Woodward Photography! (Yay!)

Updates, contests, photos, and even some give away's happen right here in this very special place!

Exciting changes have JUST occurred with Annelise Woodward Photography Investments which you can discover on my... Investment Page!

To book a session or to contact me for any other info email me at annelisewoodward@gmail.com.

Shooting in and around beautiful Boise Idaho! As well as the rest of the Great State of Idaho and Utah!
Like my photography, but unsure if I travel to your area... just ask!

Natural light & Studio Photography Available!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Boise Idaho Photographer - BMX

Sports and action photography is one of my greatest loves which is why today I spent the day with some great guys who are awesome at their craft (aka. bmx). Here's a shot to teas all of you. 

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